Platte Woods Emergency Pod Program
The City of Platte Woods created an Emergency Pod Program to help handle emergencies we may have in the city, such as a pandemic, tornado, fire, plane crash… There are 15 pods, each with a Pod Captain who is responsible to make sure their pod residents are safe, and relay any needs to our Police Dept. Bert Lawson coordinates the pods ( 816.898.8110).
The Pod Captains are responsible for introducing themselves to you and gathering names, phone numbers, emails, and the number of people and pets in your home. This information is only shared with Bert Lawson, Mayor Smedley, and the Platte Woods Police Dept. This is to aid the pod captains in the case of a disaster that would require looking for people and pets (ie: tornado) in the city.
The map below shows the 15 pods, labeled A through O, and the captain for each pod. If an emergency in your area occurs, please reach out to your captain if you are in need of assistance, or to let them know you are ok.